To Jeremy Jensen –
“Still Speechless” – Our most sincere thankful thoughts can never be matched with words. We are all just humbled by your efforts, and I can’t even think of the court case – I just smile. Our son is shy, humbled and overwhelmed with relief – he too, just smiles! I haven’t seen that in him in a long time. Bless you for all you have done for our family.
Dear Jay:
Thanks for working so hard for our son. I was so worried about him being in jail because as you know with his challenges he just shouldn’t be there. I am so pleased that you were able to get him a sentence in a treatment centre which is obviously what he needs. He also asked me to pass along his thanks. He’s doing much better now, although he knows there’s still a lot of work for him to do to get back to where he was at before all this started. Thanks so much Jay!
Jeremy, Thank you so much.
It's hard to explain the powerless feeling of having your ability to be heard taken away. I doubt there's many people who would screw with someone like yourself. But I can tell you it is one of the most terrifying feelings. To you this case was probably small beans but I can not put a value on what your assistance means to me! You told me when we first met that "It is not up to us to prove your innocence, it is up to them to prove guilt – and they're going to have a very hard time with that." That statement alone carried me through some of the tough times this past six months. It was good advice from a tough customer like yourself.
Jeremy Jensen,
Thank you for a job well done. Your expertise has been very much appreciated.
Dear Mr. Michi,
Thank you for your hard work and professionalism that you showed in court for me. I appreciate all that you and your firm have done for me.
Sincerely - A grateful client.
Thanks so much Jay!
I wanted to thank you sincerely for everything you did to help me. I wasn't the easiest to deal with at times and you were always so great to me and I was so happy with how you handled my case.
You showed me respect and treated me with kindness and that made a a huge difference. The charges could have dreailed my life but instead it made me stronger and I got help that I severely needed. You played a large role in my recovery and helped me to make a scary negative situation a positive and life changing one.
You are an amazing lawyer and I dont know if I'd be where I am today without your help with my case. Sincerely thank you.
Anyone who is represented by you is extremely lucky to have such a dedicated and talented lawyer on their side.I hope you have a happy Holidays and a great New Year!
Grateful Client (Dec 2018)
I've only ever worked with corporate lawyers so I've never seen a lawyer function in this capacity. I sincerely believe you did everything in your power to ensure the best possible outcome for my folks. I cant't thank you enough.
From a son (January 2019)